Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Short stories verses novels

Hello friends and fellow readers!

Today I would like to talk about reader preferences.  I recently had a conversation with a friend who told me that he wishes he could read more.  After asking several questions I came to the conclusion that my friend has plenty of free time in which to read but that he is intimidated by the size of most modern novels.  Anything over a hundred pages scares the pants off of him (not literally I hope). 

I gave this problem some thought and came up with what I think is a possible solution.  I suggested that my friend start of with a short story collection rather than read an entire novel.  He commented that even those are intimidating because of the number of pages and the sheer size of the novels.  I can't disagree with either statement.  My suggestion was that he focus on the table of contents and start with some of the shorter of the stories and work his way up.

To be clear, my friend is not new to reading.  He actually has an associates degree and is and educated man.  He simply is used to reading for more technical purposes and not for pleasure.

I wonder how many other potential or past readers feel the same way?

Does word count and book length chase away the casual reader?

As always I welcome any thoughts, suggestions and comments.

Thanks again for reading and I hope that many of you will join me in setting time aside to read everyday.

As always KEEP WRITING (and in this case KEEP READING!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Today I would like to talk about my recent experience with a local bookstore here in the Louisville KY area.  I will spare that company from using it's name since my experience was a negative one.

Some time ago I was walking through my favorite part of old Louisville and came across a local bookstore.  I entered the store to browse and noticed that in the far back corner there was a "Local Author's" section.  I decided to ask about offering my books on that shelf and the young man behind the counter was very polite and helpful.  He provided me with both an email address and a phone # for the store manager and suggested I contact said manager.  I thanked the young man and went about my day.

A few days later I emailed the manager.  There was no reply.  I waited a week later and emailed again.  This time I also called.  Still no reply.  I decided to take a chance and make a second phone call.  This time I got through to the manager.

I wish I could tell you that the conversation was a pleasant one.  It was not.  We discussed pricing and the store manager told me that the store would have to mark up the list price of my books since I sale them at the minimal price allowed by my publisher.  In case you are wondering, my publisher has set $12.99 as the minimum price for my detective novel The Worst of Times (which is almost 400 pages) and $9.99 for my science fiction book Elsewhere (which is 200 pages).

I expressed my concern that marking the price up to the suggested in store price of $19.99 (for The Worst of Times) seemed counter productive.  My goal has always been to make my writing as available and affordable as possible...not to make the largest profit.

The manager informed me in not uncertain terms that I had no idea what it took to stay in the bookstore business and preceded to lecture me about overhead, distributor costs etc.

Long story short (too late, right?) my novels will not be appearing on the shelf at that particular bookstore anytime soon.

I hope that my experience with this particular store manager was the exception for my fellow authors rather than the rule.

As always I welcome any comments, questions or suggestions you might have...and thanks again for reading!

Keep Writing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Elsewhere now available in paperback and for Kindle and NOOK!

As of today my new scifi book ELSEWHERE is available in the following formats.

Here are direct links to purchase ELSEWHERE in paperback or for Kindle or Nook:

Prestige Paperback:  http://www.amazon.com/Elsewhere-John-Eric-Buckley/dp/1505440157

Kindle:   http://www.amazon.com/Elsewhere-John-Eric-Buckley-ebook/dp/B00QAS3SCS

Nook:   http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/elsewhere-john-eric-buckley/1120966159

Thanks again for all of your kind words and support!

John Eric Buckley